Private Conversations in Public Places: Upholding Professionalism in Nursing
I am not sure if it is the influence of movies and television (I'm looking at you Grey's Anatomy ) or if this is something that is modeled in the workplace but I have been noticing more and more the tendency for some nurses to have conversations of a personal nature in front of their patient(s) as care is being done. My observations are multi-instance: in the Care Team Station, in patient's rooms, in the common dining area. As such, my conclusion is that this is not a serious of isolated incidents (is that an oxymoron) but a rapidly changing trend. There is a fine balance, especially in mental health nursing, of trying to role model pro-social behaviours, and maintain a therapeutic atmosphere amid the rule and structure of the inpatient setting in order to create a safe and comfortable space for the patient. I think that nurses cross a line when the content of one's conversations begins to include anecdotes about personal life that have nothing to do with patient care....