
Showing posts with the label Nurse History

The Changing Tide - Nursing Shortages and Promoting Nurse-Led Innovation in Healthcare

I attended a union meeting the other day. It was filled with talk of problems that nurses in British Columbia (and across the country) have been facing for many years. The problems that were discussed in the meeting were the same as those discussed when I attended my first union meeting more than a decade ago. Issues like the shortage of nursing are new to nurses who are entering the profession today. But these issues are not new to the profession of nursing. In a 1967 issue of Macleans magazine Alan Edmonds wrote about the shortages in nursing . Again, in 1980 Ian Pearson wrote an article about the shortage of nurses in Canada . In 1997 Sharon Doyle Driedger wrote about the issue of nurses burning out by the increasing stressors of the Canadian healthcare system . And again in 2008 Kate Lanau wrote about nursing shortages leading to patient safety issues like medication errors . The shortage of nurses in Canada has been an ongoing issue since World War II. In the early part of the 20...

Caring for the Professional Carer

Caring is an integral part of nursing. Caring is not a technical skill. We cannot quantify it. But, it is the foundation of all we do as nurses. That's not my idea. Seminal nursing theorists like Jean Waston  and Sister Simone Roach  crystallized ideas of caring in nursing decades ago. I think, now more than ever, we as nurses can revitalize not only our profession, but the healthcare system by embracing theories of caring.  We nurse with our hearts and our minds. In the 9 years of my nursing career I have seen how much of ourselves many nurses give when they enter into the caring relationship with their patients. I have walked the fine line between exemplary care and burning out. I think that in a profession that is centered around care it can be easy to ignore care of ourselves in our efforts to care for our patients. However, when we lose sight of ourselves and our wellness we are sacrificing both our hearts and our minds. In the last nine years of my nursing career,...