
Showing posts with the label Thought Experiment

The Shortage of Nurses in Canada: A Discussion Activity

I have been a Registered Nurse for more than a decade (since 2008 to be precise). One of the ongoing challenges that I have experienced is the nursing shortage. What does this mean? In supply and demand terminology it means that the supply of Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses (in provinces that have them), and Licensed Practical Nurses (or Registered Practical Nurses if you live in Ontario) is less than the number of positions that are needed. In practical terms, this means there are not enough nurses to provide the care needed for all people in Canada utilizing the healthcare system. Only recently have I learned that the nursing shortage is not unique to the 21st century, and it is a global issue. This is clearly a huge issue. Let's take a little journey to think through this issue with a focus on Registered Nurses in Canada.   A Short Exercise in Thinking Through the Issue Background and Overview  There is a critical shortage of many health care prof...