
Showing posts with the label Coercive Practice

Proposed Action to Improve Seclusion Room Practices in a Tertiary Mental Health Facility: A Discourse Analysis

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to challenge the current practice of seclusion room use within a tertiary mental health rehabilitation facility through conducting a critical discourse analysis. I asked the research questions, “what is the discourse surrounding current use of seclusion rooms within this practice setting, how does this influence health care delivery, and what are specific actions that could be used to transform the current discourse for the purpose of improving health care delivery?” Both textual and verbal communication between interdisciplinary staff are analyzed within this practice setting to determine the dominant paradigms, and uncover the overarching power dynamics and explore their influence on workplace culture and health care delivery. This discourse is situated within the current body of research on seclusion room use. The results show that many challenges emerge from the opposing client centred recovery oriented model that guides the program and the...