
Being Trauma Informed and Recovery Oriented

Thoughts that may indicate that there is room for improvement: "If they wanted to get better then they should have just done what we told them to do." "Sometimes we just need to teach them a lesson," (with respect to using a restraint intervention). Making elaborate discharge plans with many appointments for people who have unstable housing and no social supports.  Being directive rather than giving people a choice. Making treatment plan/care plan decisions without any participation with the patient/client/person being cared for and/or their family.  The focus of collaborative care planning is about medications more times than not.  The  same plan of care is tried over and over again, with an expectation that when the patient/client/person being cared for is "ready" then the success will come.  At a certain point we really have to ask ourselves: Is it the person that needs to change, or is it us?  Are we more in...

Putting the Care back Into Nursing Care

“. . . For the secret of the care of the patient is in caring for the patient.”  (Peabody, 1925) Is caring a secret? It isn't a secret to nurses. I attended an interesting education session facilitated by a Spiritual Care practitioner. It was fantastic. The take-home message was, treating people like human beings is the most central feature of any health care relationship. How do you effectively build rapport? Intuitively we know this, it's the Golden Rule, treat others the way that you want to be treated. I learned this rule early in life, perhaps because I attended Catholic school. Sometimes turns in the pit of my stomach when I witness a situation of a health care provider forgets this. As nurses, I believe that caring, that being a human being, is central to our profession.  Peace, Michelle D. 

Case Study of a Significant Learning Experience Involving Addiction

    Transformative learning theory, as proposed by Jack Mezirow (1991, 2000), is a useful framework for analyzing the significant learning experiences of adults because it recognizes the importance of the emancipatory process of critical reflection for the purpose of transformative change.  The purpose of this paper is to analyze one of my own significant learning experiences (SLE) in order to demonstrate the applicability of Meziow’s theory, strengths and limitations.  The SLE that I have chosen is my understanding of addictions.  This is significant to me because I currently work as a mental health and addictions nurse.  As I began to reflect on my transformative learning process I began to realize that my understanding of substance use has heavily influenced my meaning perspective (habits of expectation that filter perception and cognition) of addiction (Mezirow, 1991).  In this case study I will outline the key transition points of my...