So I did it: Pop Media and the Gender Stereotype

I watched the infamous fight between Elisabeth and Rosie on YouTube. The issue is that she's a pretty white Republican, and Rosie O'Donnell is an overweight lesbian liberal. There are many things I dislike about The View in general, mainly because of the ridiculous discussions they have, which all the hosts engage in. However, Elisabeth Hasselbeck is simply an idiot. She was on Survivor Season 2, right? She lost? But she's pretty, so she's on a show that's supposed to be a new-type talk show, and she's supposed to represent the opinions of 20-something American women?

In all honesty, she appears to be an incredibly uninformed conservative. I'm not sure what her background in journalism is, and I'm not sure what her educational background is, but nonetheless, it seems she gets all her information from Googling things. I don't understand why she seemingly views everything so black-and-white and is so quick to defend the American government, believing they are protecting Americans from terrorists. How is it possible for someone to see every scenario so devoid of anything other than right or wrong, so lacking in critical thinking, or in placing things in social and political contexts from such an extraordinarily ethnocentric perspective—one that completely lacks any type of reflexivity?

It makes good TV, I suppose. But it is unfortunate that she does not seem to realize that she represents everything that is wrong with young women in American culture today. How can you dream your American Dream when there are thousands of innocent people dying, and the cry of social injustice resonates around the globe? In all honesty, I do not believe that those in academia who are experts on these subjects are contacted for their informed opinions on any topic discussed on the show, and I'm honestly not sure why.

The older I get, the more I realize that American journalism, in general, is a big pile of bullshit spun in a certain way to appeal to the majority of Americans. Unfortunately, it is believed that this audience is apparently not educated enough to understand anything beyond the bullshit that comes from The View or any other news-ish type of program, for that matter. It's bullshit, and honestly, I should write a paper on it.

 Yours Truly, 

 michelle danda


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