Two Weeks to Go

I'm sitting in my office. There are no windows. I have a small gray fan sitting on a wooden chair set to low blowing on the back of my head. It's hot in here even though it stopped being hot outside. The baby is due is exactly 2 weeks. Today I'm leaving work early to go to my baby shower at Detox. I'm hoping there is cake there along with other sugary treats. My feet and ankles are swollen and I can feel the puffiness in my cheeks and eyes today. I'm drinking water like crazy but I'm still retaining a ton of it.

This sitting forward to get the baby to turn in the right position is straining my back. I will have to try and remember to do core strength exercises starting in October to prepare for carrying the next baby.

I feel surprisingly calm today. I'm ready to get this baby out of my uterus and welcome her into the world. I hope I deliver before my mommy and brother arrive next Saturday or it's going to be a full house during the two weeks that they are here.


Michelle D.


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