Deia Rose Mercedes Danda-Davison

My labour was quick and intense. My water broke at 05.15 and my contractions began at 11.45. When my contractions began they progressed fast and furious. We did not leave for the hospital until 14.15. Baby Deia Rose was delivered at 15.15. It was the most intense pain that I have ever felt in my life. There was never a point where I tought, I cannot do this; all I could think was I have to keep pushing to get her our.

Sweet little Deia Rose is 20 days old today. She is quite possibly the cutest baby in the whole world. I am starting to get accustomed to being home alone with her during the week while Kelly is at work. This will continue for 6 more weeks until we go to Calgary, followed by 2 more weeks of no work in Calgary, then two weeks of no work back in Vancouver, then back to work and Kelly will begin his 8 months at home with Deia Rose.

Having a child is kind of amazing. I am starting to feel more confident in my ability to care for our baby. I am also starting to feel like despite the physical discomfort, emotional roller coaster, painful painful labour and the adaptation to the lifetime commitment to care for this sweet little angel I could do this again; I want to do this again.


Michelle D.


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