6 weeks pregnant

This is it, the tricky first 12 weeks of a pregnancy where I have to try and not tell anyone that I am pregnant even though I want to tell everyone. Kel and I are waiting even longer because we don't want to tell Kel's family until after his cousin's wedding on Labour Day weekend. We'll see how effective that plan is as I will be 18 weeks pregnant by then thus the little fetus will likely be a noticable baby bump by that point. This is also the part of the pregnancy where I am constantly worried that I will have a spontaneously abortion before I make it through the first trimester. Right now I feel physically pretty good, exhausted but still have enough energy to go to the gym on my days off. I am having an overload of stuff going on right now between work, my three courses, Deia and now this new little fetus.

Right now I am writing a paper on a discourse analysis of academic literature on seclusion room use. This is quite an interesting paper that is really informing my own perceptions of seclusion room use. As I read more of the research I can see that seclusion rooms do not have any evidence therapeutic value. I can now see that for the most part seclusion use is used for the purpose of behaviour modification under the guise of safety. I can also see that seclusion room use is embedded in the power differential between the 'deviant' psychiatric patient and the health care professionals (often the mental health nurse who has the responsibility of making these decisions as they are the front line staff). Actually, now that I think about it it is always the mental health nurse that has to make that decision as to whether a client will be placed in a locked seclusion room. I will post the paper once I have it completed.

Michelle Danda RN BN


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