The Evening Shift - Reminiscing After the Longest 4 Hour Shift in the World

 I like to write. I envision myself as an extremely talented and highly skilled observer of the world. Each day I am like a ripe fruit of some type, just bursting full of practical genius that I fervently feel needs to be shared with the masses. For example, right now (picture me tapping my index finger emphatically on an oversize antique desk as you read that). 

It's only lately that I am questioning the profoundess (is that a word? I ask because Spellcheck does not seem to agree) of my written words. I'm questioning not only my smarts (take that Grammarly) and also the desire of people that are not my spouse or children to read the life-changing writing that I produce without restraint each day. But, fortunately, sometimes I read my written gems of the past (blog or on paper) and I cannot help but think, I am one deep mother trucker, and also question, does the world does need to be repeatedly graced with the dazzling magic that is my life musings (and perhaps sometimes in the future, based on popular demand, pictures of failed Pinterest do-it yourself project re-creations)? You decide. 

I'm going to tell you a very public secret, I write many, many blogs. Sometimes I have a burst of creative energy that I need to capture in true everlasting form by making it a forever part of the Internet. There are quite a few moments in the day when I think, Michelle, the reflections that you are making right now could quite possibly (and probably) change someone's life; Michelle, your internal thoughts need to be shared, unleash them on the world to leave your everlasting footprint. If you want to do something interesting tonight and you don't already have plans set in stone, start reading this blog from the first entry in 2007 (when I just returned to my beloved University of Calgary to complete my Bachelor of Nursing).

Here's a quote care of me, from this very blog...quoted from a 'zine I wrote when I was a teenager: "I like the sound of lies, but I need to hear the truth." It's true. It was relevant to me when  I was 17 and it's still relevant now that I am in my mid-thirties.

I'm sleepy you guys. I just finished a 4 hour evening shift, which for some reason felt like it was an 8 (or even 12) hour shift. It could have been because I just finished my regular set of shifts this morning at 0730, but it also could be because I'm such an empathetic person (what does that even mean?). I certainly hope the words that you have just read will deeply impact your life in a positive way.


Michelle D.

P.S. Shower, rinse, repeat. That's a metaphor for life.


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