
When I was in high school I wrote a zine

Those of you that knew me may or may not remember it. It was called S.P.O.R.E.S. An acronym that stood for nothing. Anyhoo, I was browsing through my word documents and I found some stuff that I wrote another zine that I was going to begin putting out post-S.P.O.R.E.S that I never finished. Here's a dismal piece of teen angst...although I just turned 20 when I wrote it. What the fuck happened to the 5 years in between then and now? University I suppose. Whisper softly to me, the words I want to hear… I am incredibly tired right now, you couldn’t even imagine…hmmm…actually you probably could. No sleep and a lot of coffee make Michelle a bitchy, bitchy, horribly irritable girl. Jesus, how the hell do I even keep friends? The last four days have lasted at least three weeks. I wake up early, go out come home a 3 a.m., repeat. The other night I couldn’t even think straight, I had no fucken clue what day it was. That’s not saying much though because right now I’m not really sure what day...

So I did it: Pop Media and the Gender Stereotype

I watched the infamous fight between Elisabeth and Rosie on YouTube. The issue is that she's a pretty white Republican, and Rosie O'Donnell is an overweight lesbian liberal. There are many things I dislike about The View in general, mainly because of the ridiculous discussions they have, which all the hosts engage in. However, Elisabeth Hasselbeck is simply an idiot. She was on Survivor Season 2, right? She lost? But she's pretty, so she's on a show that's supposed to be a new-type talk show, and she's supposed to represent the opinions of 20-something American women? In all honesty, she appears to be an incredibly uninformed conservative. I'm not sure what her background in journalism is, and I'm not sure what her educational background is, but nonetheless, it seems she gets all her information from Googling things. I don't understand why she seemingly views everything so black-and-white and is so quick to defend the American government, believing...